
Showing posts from September, 2019

"It Is Not What You Think" Outline and Art List (Spoiler Alert)

Hello Episode Viewers , Art from Episode 7 of "It Is Not What You Think." I have been busy creating digital art for a contest. The theme is myth and mythology. I decide to choose the story of Eros and Psyche . I think it is a thoughtful story about love, beauty, and betrayal. I hope my composition did the myth some justice. I had fun creating it. I do hope I win; whatever the outcome I feel as I accomplished what I set out to do. I created a captivating scene which captures a meaningful moment in the story of Psyche and Eros. Rough draft for Eros and Psyche Art Moving on, I am sure you want to read about updates to β€œ It Is Not What You Think .” Good news!!! Now that I finished the with art competition, I can now focus on Episode 8. I just completed the outline and Art List for Episode 8 of, β€œIt Is Not What You Think.” I was unable to include a scene with Zan . I did promise to make up for it in episode 9 in my last post. I plan to keep that promise. Zan will...

Sneak Peeks Of E 7 "It is Not What You Think"

Hello, my favorite Episode Viewers! I created the following Sneak Peek video of Episode 7 for you to view: I hope you enjoyed the video of "It is Not What You Think!" I hope you  are as excited as I am about Episode 8 of  "It is Not What You Think."  I look forward to hearing/reading your feedback. I wish you all the best! As always I will keep you updated! Enjoy watching, " It is Not What You Think ," on  episode interactive . Check out the first story, " It is Not What You Think ," I published on  episode . Leave your comments and questions below:

Episode 7 of "It is Not What You Think," Released and Updates

It is a pleasure to announce I completed Episode 7 of "It Is Not What You Think." This episode focuses on Patient Zero and her relationship with Zan .  I chose to explore the current state of Patient Zero's life, which left little time to explore the Trio's (the main character, Karl, and Aaron) adventures in New York.  I plan to focus on the NYC trip in Episode 8 . Original Art for "It is Not What You Think" In episode 7 , we also get to see AJ  go on his first date.  We also get to witness the outcome of Dr. Clemons response to Dr. Porter's invitation. I do hope you enjoy viewing Episode 7 of "It Is Not What You Think." I created some original art for the episode, and I added a romantic premium choice. I wanted to make sure the episode was special for you! Episode 7 ends with a lovey bonding moment between father and son. Original Art for "It is Not What You Think" Again I hope you enjoy the latest episode of...

Episode 7 is now live: "It is Not What You Think"

Hello Episode Lovers! Happy Friday! I published Episode 7 of "It is Not What You Think." Check it out now. Story link: I hope you  are as excited as I am about Episode 7 of  "It is Not What You Think."  I look forward to hearing/reading your feedback. I wish you all the best! As always I will keep you updated! Enjoy watching, " It is Not What You Think ," on  episode interactive . Check out the first story, " It is Not What You Think ," I published on  episode . Leave your comments and questions below: