Episode 4 Released

Episode 4 Sneak Peek!

I am starting today's post with a Thank You! Thank you to everyone who read, "It is Not What You Think" and enjoyed it. I published Episode 4 today and I made it as perfect as I possibly could make it. You can expect it to have the same quality as the first 3 episodes. Also, there are new overlays and two new backgrounds included in this episode.
Sneak Peek Episode 4

I hope you enjoy it. I promise you, "It is Not What You Think" will only keep getting better from this point. It was a pleasure writing and drawing this episode for you.

Sneak Peek Episode 4

Let me know what you think of Episode 4 of, "It is Not What You Think."
In the meantime I got homework to do, I need to work on Episode 2 of "Forever Single," and I need to outline episode 5 of, "It is Not What You Think." I plan to start drawing for episode 5 right away so that the images approved by the time I am ready to publish it.
Cover Art

I added a few sneak peeks for you. Enjoy!
Episode 4 Overlay
Check out the first story, "It is Not What You Think," I published on episode.
Leave your comments and questions below:)


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