Episode Storytelling Viewpoint

I hope your day is going well!
Intro image for, "It is Not What You Think"

I am waiting for one image to be approved so I can release Episode 4 for you to view. Exciting!!!!! My day has been productive. I did an additional proofread on episode 4 of, "It is Not What You Think." I also edited a scene in episode 4. I am working hard to make sure the I deliver you high-quality content. I respect and appreciate those who read my story and enjoy it enough to continue to read the episodes that come. Thank you!!!!

I decided to share a little bit about me in this posting. I am currently earning a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Visual Development. I consider myself an Artist and a writer. I love watching movies especially the ones that are unpredictable (I find those refreshing). I enjoy most genres because I am into variety. My favorite genres would be Science Fiction, Psychological Thrillers, and Suspense.
Poster for the film, "Following"

I am most influenced by the following writers:  Octavia Butler, Isaac Asimov, Philip K Dick, and Mary Shelley. My favorite movie director is Christopher Nolan. One of my favorite movies is, "Following," which was directed by Nolan. I also greatly enjoyed the film, "Prometheus," and "Exit Through the Gift Shop."

I shared with you my likes and what inspires me because is the best way to give you an idea of what influences my art and writing. I also who this provides insight into the structure of my  story, "It is Not What You Think." The clue is in the title, I named it "It is Not What You Think," because I want it to be unpredictable. It is a mystery so there is information within the story that will allow, you, the viewer to make educated guesses and later story you can see if your educated guess was correct.

I am willing to answers question you may have about my story. Leave your questions in the comment area or as fanmail in the episode app. I will answer you as thoroughly as I can without spoiling the story.

Check out the first story, "It is Not What You Think," I published on episode.
Leave your comments and questions below:)


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