
Showing posts from October, 2018

Qetesha's Episode Updates

Hello out there to my favorite Episode Viewers! I have not posted in a while. I found myself quite busy with homework, my thesis project, art commissions, reviews, and the new puppy. The new puppy name is Prince Michael in honor of two of my favorite singers. I want to take the time to thank all of those who read my story, " It is Not What You Think!! " I appreciate the support and encouragement. I also want to take the time and thank you for your patience in waiting for episode 5. I promise you it will be worth the wait. I updated the twins in episode 4. You can let me know what you think. Thank you again for your support! Enjoy watching, " It is Not What You Think ," on  episode interactive . Also, the next 3  episodes  will move a lot faster because we got a lot of the  customization  and character background information out of the way. Check out the first story, " It is Not What You Think ," I published on  episode . Leave...

The Official Premier Qetesha.Com

Hello Episode Lovers! is ready to view. I finished it! I am excited to share it with you. I promised to announce it on both my blogs, and . What can I say? I kept my word. Check out and let me know what you think. I always appreciate your feedback. I am ecstatic about launching my website because an artist and writer should have a website . Of course, I will update it and make changes as necessary. Qetesha's Take on Science Fiction Blog is available on the Genesis Page , and Qetesha's Episode Blog is available on the episode page . Go ahead and sign up for the newsletter on Qetesha.Com to get the latest information on my creative content. I will provide updates on my blogs , writing, art, and ETA's on the publishing date of Genesis and Updates on the stories I publish on Episode Interactive . I will include updates on my thesis project, Genesis . T...

What The Episode "It's not What You Think"

Hello Episode viewers ! You Character and Twin Love Interests I hope your weekend is going well. Have a ton of fun and remember to have a little fun for me! If you are looking for an engaging mysterious , romantic , and psychologically thrilling story to view, go ahead and view, " It is Not What You Think ," on the Episode Interactive App on your Android device . " It is Not What You Think ," Summary: A teenage girl is in love with the famous Mystery Artist , finds herself in an insane asylum confused, and she works with a psychologist to recover her identity to regain her sanity. Check it out and let me know what you think. As a Visual Development Artist that is also in school, I have a plenty of drawing and writing to complete. Check this Episode Blog for updates on the story, " It is Not What You Think ." Enjoy watching, " It is Not What You Think ," on  episode interactive . Also, the next 3  episodes  wi...

All My Updates Including Episode

Hello, my Favorites Episode viewers ! I have been busy with episode interactive art as well as my homework. I have an environmental design class that is intense, to say the least, however, I do my best. Enough about my homework. Let's talk about my episode news ." It is Not What You Think, " is a work in progress. I will work on, " Forever Single, " Once I get the kids to New York and they have their adventure. I made a lot of progress with, however, it is not complete yet. I need to add the " Genesis ," page for the novel I am working on. The logline for " Genesis " follows: A genetically modified teen heartthrob who wants access to his father's research discovers he has an identical twin brother who lives captive in a bio-prison and aligns with him to stop their parents from destroying the world. I will make an announcement in this  episode blog  once I publish it and it is ready to view. Enjoy w...

Episode 5

Hello Episode Lovers ! I stated I would start Episode 5 of, " It is Not What You Think ." I will start the outline tomorrow and that way I will know what backgrounds and overlays I need to draw. This will be a busy week for your girl. I like staying busy! Image from, "It's Not What You Think." I am also reviewing episode stories . I decided It will is a positive way for me to contribute to the episode community . I have strong opinions out entertainment and fiction . I am open-minded and I read episode stories looking for the entertaining and positive qualities. I enjoy reading a variety of genres . I guess it is fair to say I am well suited for the reviewer position . Image from, "It's Not What You Think." I made progress with my portfolio website . I should be ready to launch it officially next week. I sure you will love it. It is definitely a labor of love. I will make an announcement in this  episode blog  once I publ...