Episode 5

Hello Episode Lovers!

I stated I would start Episode 5 of, "It is Not What You Think." I will start the outline tomorrow and that way I will know what backgrounds and overlays I need to draw. This will be a busy week for your girl. I like staying busy!

Image from, "It's Not What You Think."

I am also reviewing episode stories. I decided It will is a positive way for me to contribute to the episode community. I have strong opinions out entertainment and fiction. I am open-minded and I read episode stories looking for the entertaining and positive qualities. I enjoy reading a variety of genres. I guess it is fair to say I am well suited for the reviewer position.

Image from, "It's Not What You Think."

I made progress with my portfolio website. I should be ready to launch it officially next week. I sure you will love it. It is definitely a labor of love.

I will make an announcement in this episode blog once I publish it and it is ready to view.

Enjoy watching, "It is Not What You Think," on episode interactive.

Also, the next 3 episodes will move a lot faster because we got a lot of the customization and character background information out of the way.

Check out the first story, "It is Not What You Think," I published on episode.

Leave your comments and questions below:)


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