Qetesha's Episode Updates

Hello out there to my favorite Episode Viewers!

I have not posted in a while. I found myself quite busy with homework, my thesis project, art commissions, reviews, and the new puppy. The new puppy name is Prince Michael in honor of two of my favorite singers.

I want to take the time to thank all of those who read my story, "It is Not What You Think!!" I appreciate the support and encouragement. I also want to take the time and thank you for your patience in waiting for episode 5. I promise you it will be worth the wait.

I updated the twins in episode 4. You can let me know what you think.
Thank you again for your support!

Enjoy watching, "It is Not What You Think," on episode interactive.

Also, the next 3 episodes will move a lot faster because we got a lot of the customization and character background information out of the way.

Check out the first story, "It is Not What You Think," I published on episode.

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