All My Updates Including Episode

Hello, my Favorites Episode viewers!

I have been busy with episode interactive art as well as my homework. I have an environmental design class that is intense, to say the least, however, I do my best. Enough about my homework.

Let's talk about my episode news."It is Not What You Think," is a work in progress. I will work on, "Forever Single," Once I get the kids to New York and they have their adventure.

I made a lot of progress with, however, it is not complete yet. I need to add the "Genesis," page for the novel I am working on.

The logline for "Genesis" follows:

A genetically modified teen heartthrob who wants access to his father's research discovers he has an identical twin brother who lives captive in a bio-prison and aligns with him to stop their parents from destroying the world.

I will make an announcement in this episode blog once I publish it and it is ready to view.

Enjoy watching, "It is Not What You Think," on episode interactive.

Also, the next 3 episodes will move a lot faster because we got a lot of the customization and character background information out of the way.

Check out the first story, "It is Not What You Think," I published on episode.

Leave your comments and questions below:)


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