Episode 5 News

Hello to all my favorite Episode Lover!

Thank you to all who read my story, "It is Not What You Think," that enjoyed it enough to share it! I appreciate the support of those who read every published episode available of, "It is Not What You Think."

As announced earlier I am working on Episode 5 of "It is Not What You Think" for your enjoyment. Going forward as I work to draw, complete and edit Episode 5, I will provide you with sneak peeks, updates and video clips.

Episode 5 includes our beloved Zan Blade. I hope this makes those who missed him in episode 4 happy. It makes me ecstatic. I am a fan of that Zan Blade.  The Trio says goodbye to the parents at the airport. Depending on your prior choices AJ (Aaron's father) may or may not appear in the airport scene. Everyone, please remember your past choices matter and so do your choices going forward!

It is Not What You Think cover art

It is taking me a while to complete episode 5 and it will take a while for me to complete episode 6 because I am using many flags to remember and affect the outcome of the story based on your choices.

A quick update on my degree progress. I am working on a production painting that makes up a large percentage of my overall grade for a thesis focussed class. It is coming along well, but it is time-consuming.

Below is some art I completed for fellow Episode writers. Please enjoy!

Requested Episode Art 1

Requested Episode Art 2

Requested Episode Art 3

Requested Episode Art 4

Requested Episode Art 5
I updated the twins in episode 4. You can let me know what you think.
Thank you again for your support!

Enjoy watching, "It is Not What You Think," on episode interactive.

Also, the next 3 episodes will move a lot faster because we got a lot of the customization and character background information out of the way.

Check out the first story, "It is Not What You Think," I published on episode.

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