
Showing posts from September, 2018

Episode Updates and Insights

"It is Not What You Think," Cover Art I hope everyone was a wonderful weekend planned. My weekend is full of drawing homework, which, requires my full attention. I completed An episode cover for a fellow episode writer and it turned out great. It was fun to create it. Cover art I created for a an Episode write r! The covers creatives choose on episode interactive directly impacts the number of views the story will get. If the cover art is engaging enough it will likely capture the attention of episode/interactive story lovers attention. I am thoughtful and strategically when I design covers, for episode interactive . I want to capture the audience attention and to provide a clue to the entertainment experience the audience should expect. Small Cover Art for, "It is Not What You Think." Does the cover of an interactive story influence your decision on rather you should watch it or not? Updates for - " It is Not What You Think ...
My Avatar for episode I plan to start the outline for episode 5 next week. The Episode will start at the airport and end with " the you " character, Karl , and Aaron arriving at there NYC destination. Episode 5 and 6 will be amazing. Keep checking my episode blog for updates . Karl's Car Check out my updated description for, " It is Not What You Think ," below: Cover Art for, "It is Not What You Think." A teenage girl is in love with the famous Mystery Artist , finds herself in an insane asylum confused, and she works with a psychologist to recover her identity to regain her sanity. First Class Ticket for, "It is Not What You Think." I am working on my website and I drew a new self-portrait which I am including in this  episode blog  post. You can let me know what you think. I will make an announcement in this  episode blog  once I publish it and it is ready to view. Enjoy watching, "It is Not Wha...

Episode: "It is Not What You Think"

Hello Episode Readers ! My new self-portrait I hope you are well and enjoying watching my episode story , " It is Not What You Think ." If you do enjoy, "I t is Not What You Think ," I appreciate it if you will share it with others that would enjoy viewing it. *Updates* Cover Art: "It is Not What You Think" I plan to work on episode 5 and 6 next week. I appreciate any feedback you may have for episodes 1-4 of, " It is Not What You Think ." I will consider your ideas and suggestion as I continue the story. The Ranger twins will be a lot more prevalent going forward in the story, " It is Not What You Think. " The story romance aspects heat up from here so prepare yourself! I am working on my website and I drew a new self-portrait which I am including in this episode blog post. You can let me know what you think. I will make an announcement in this episode blog once I publish it and it is ready to view. ...

Episode Sharing

Hello!!! I hope everyone is having a Great Weekend so far. My Weekend is about Drawing and writing . I capitalized Drawing for a reason because I have done a lot of drawing today and I have plenty more to do before today ends. Image from, "It is Not What You Think." I love drawing and fiction writing . so if my day has to be full, I am glad it is filled with drawing assignments. Image from, "It is Not What You Think." Today I have a read 4 read to complete. I already started it, and I find it refreshing reading stories from first-time writers on episode interactive . Image from, "It is Not What You Think." I will share the short video for, " It is Not What You Think ," I created entitled, " Show Me Your Trio. " I created it to encourage to take a screenshot of the three main characters after you finished customizing them and to share it with me on Instagram . Be sure to tag me in the photo and I will comm...

Episode Interactive Video

Hello, my fellow episode interactive lovers. Cover Art for It is Not What You Think I hope you all have great plans for the weekend! Have a little extra fun for me:) Cover Art for, "It is Not What You Think." Today I have plenty of drawing homework to complete so I am will keep this post short and simple!!!! Screenshot Art for, "It is Not What You Think." As a reminder, I released episode 4 of. "It is Not What You Think, for your viewing pleasure. Yesterday I made to trailers , which are short-video sneak peaks . Check them out and Enjoy!!! Also, the next 3  episodes  will move a lot faster because we got a lot of the  customization  and character background information out of the way. Check out the first story, " It is Not What You Think ," I published on  episode . Leave your comments and questions below:)

Episode Updates and Sneak Peeks

Hello Episode lovers !!!! Sneak Peek for, "It is Not What You Think Today I am keeping my Episode Blog post short and sweet. As announced yesterday episode 4 of, " It is Not What You Think ," is out and available for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy it and let me know what you think. Sneak Peek for, "It is Not What You Think As far as the story goes, it will take a while for me to write episode 5, 6 and 7.   Episode 5, 6 and 7 will mostly consist of the kids trip to NYC. I plan on including plenty of original artwork , original backgrounds, and original overlays. If there something special you would like to see in the NYC episodes please leave a comment below and I will do my best to accommodate your requests. I starting the outline first to get an idea of what I need to draw for the next 3 episodes . If I get the drawing out of the way early on, I can submit them for approval before I start writing the script . This technique will allow me to release...

Episode 4 Released

Episode 4 Sneak Peek! I am starting today's post with a Thank You! Thank you to everyone who read, " It is Not What You Think " and enjoyed it. I published Episode 4 today and I made it as perfect as I possibly could make it. You can expect it to have the same quality as the first 3 episodes . Also, there are new overlays and two new backgrounds included in this episode . Sneak Peek Episode 4 I hope you enjoy it. I promise you, " It is Not What You Think " will only keep getting better from this point. It was a pleasure writing and drawing this episode for you. Sneak Peek Episode 4 Let me know what you think of Episode 4 of, "I t is Not What You Think ." In the meantime I got homework to do, I need to work on Episode 2 of "Forever Single," and I need to outline episode 5 of, " It is Not What You Think." I plan to start drawing for episode 5 right away so that the images approved by the time I am ready to pub...

Episode Storytelling Viewpoint

I hope your day is going well! Intro image for, "It is Not What You Think" I am waiting for one image to be approved so I can release Episode 4 for you to view. Exciting!!!!! My day has been productive. I did an additional proofread on episode 4 of, " It is Not What You Think ." I also edited a scene in episode 4. I am working hard to make sure the I deliver you high-quality content. I respect and appreciate those who read my story and enjoy it enough to continue to read the episodes that come. Thank you!!!! I decided to share a little bit about me in this posting. I am currently earning a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Visual Development. I consider myself an Artist and a writer. I love watching movies especially the ones that are unpredictable (I find those refreshing). I enjoy most genres because I am into variety. My favorite genres would be Science Fiction, Psychological Thrillers, and Suspense. Poster for the film, "Following" ...

Episode 4 News

Hello Episode Lovers!!!! Overlay awaiting approval for Episode 4! Today I am excited to say because I completed the script for episode 4. Mostly I am reading it over and over again to catch errors. I have to wait for two drawings to be approved before I can release it to you. I am eager to share episode 4 of, " It is Not What You Think. " Overlay awaiting approval for Episode 4! " It is Not What You Think ," is a labor of love for me. I wrote a mystery because it is one of my favorite genres . I found it important to make it unpredictable. I like reading stories in which I cannot guess what happens next! I am going to start writing on episode 5 of, " It is Not What You Think ," soon. I first want to complete the drawings for this episode so that the drawings are approved and ready to go as soon as I complete the script. I am also eager to write episode 2 of, " Forever Single, " it is the first romance I am writing for Episode ...

Share your Episode Interactive Story Here!

Hello! Hello! Intro image for, "It is Not What You Think." So today started with a "reads 4 reads" request with a fellow author on Episode Interactive . I started reading her story. I find "reads 4 reads," are a positive exchange of story and a good method to promote my story, "It is Not What You Think." Since I have started participating in " reads 4 reads, " I discovered that my views have gone up significantly! " Reads 4 reads ," are a positive way to discover new up and coming writing talent and it is also a good way to support each other. Small Cover for my Unpublished episode story I plan on devoting a considerable amount of time today in completing episode 4 of, " It is Not What You Think ." Large Cover for, "It is Not What You Think." In honor of the supportive, "reads 4 reads, " tradition on episode interactive , I invite new authors on episode interactive to s...

Episode Interactive Update: "It is Not What You Think"

Hello everyone! What going to happen between these 2 in Episode 4? I hope the weekend has lovely things in store for you. I want to thank all of you for reading my episode blog and reading my story, "It Is Not What You Think." I enjoy writing and drawing for this story! I have a vision for "It is Not What You Think." I want to be a unique and enjoyable experience for you. Since the genre is a mystery I wanted to make it unpredictable and allow you to play detective a bit. There clues within the story that should allow you to take an educated guess about the mystery identity in my story. The choices you made in Episode 3 will determine their  fate in Episode 4! I am almost done with writing episode 4, and I don't anticipate needing any more drawings to complete it. I believe I can set the release date for early next week or sooner. I want to make episode 4 of, "It is Not What You think," perfect for you! I read through each episode...

Quick Episode Update!

Hello everyone! I am keeping this episode blog post short. I a few updates for you about episode 4 of, " It is Not What You Think! " Three more of my overlays were approved. I did the initial proofreading of the scenes I completed in Episode 4 . I should be publishing Episode 4 sometime next week. I will announce it here in my episode blog once it is able to view! I got Work to do! See you on the next  Episode Blog Post. Please check out the first story, " It is Not What You Think ," I published on  episode . Leave your comments and questions below:)

Episode Interactive Sneak Peeks

Hello, my fellow episodians ! I hope your day is going well:) Screenshot for Episode 4, "It is Not What You Think!" I have completed another scene for episode 4 of, " It is Not What You Think! " I am making good progress. There are only 3 more overlays that need to be approved for episode 4. I working on a dynamic overlay for an episode author and the progress is going well. I am rendering the final sketch and I should finish it way before the scheduled deadline. I am including some screenshots from episode 4  of It is Not What You Think .  This is my way to say thank you for your support! Screenshot for Episode 4, "It is Not What You Think!" Screenshot for Episode 4, "It is Not What You Think!" Screenshot for Episode 4, "It is Not What You Think!" Screenshot for Episode 4, "It is Not What You Think!" Screenshot for Episode 4, "It is Not What You Think!" Screenshot for Episod...

Episode Interactive updates

Greetings! "It is Not What You Think," Cover Art I hope you are as optimistic as I am for today and the week going forward. My fellow episode lovers , I have a great news! Two of my overlays for episode 4 has been approved today! I am only waiting on for three more images to be approved for episode 4 of " It is Not What You Think !" I already accomplished plenty today. I completed some thumbnails for my Graphic Novel class. I finished a "read for read" with a fellow creative from the writers' forum on episode interactive . I few more task to complete before I can call today a success! I got Work to do! See you on the next  Episode Blog Post. Please check out the first story, " It is Not What You Think ," I published on  episode . Leave your comments and questions below:)

Good Episode Interactive News!

Hello Everyone! I updated my Instagram Image. Follow me on Instagram: qetesha.episode Today is a good news day! Many of my football footage overlays were approved on Sunday. Also, I completed the football Footage on Sunday! I am making great progress on my homework. To top it all off I completed two reads for reads yesterday. I have great news for you. I only have between five to six more scenes to complete then I will be able to publish episode 4 of, " It is Not What You Think. " I am eager to finish it and proofread so it can be able to you. In the meantime, you are welcomed to read the first three episodes of, It is Not What You Think. Episode 4 of, " It is Not What You Think," will be full of surprises, I promise. I read through it a few times to proofread and it is making me eager to move on to chapter 5! I got Work to do! See you on the next Episode Blog Post. Please check out the first story, " It is Not What You Think ," I publish...

Everything Episode!

Hello everyone, Overlay for Episode 4 I have made plenty of progress on episode 4 ! Yay!!!! I plan to finish the football footage segment for " It is Not What You Think, " today. Then I will move on to Aaron and the You character. I will finish their shopping trip. The trio of Aaron, Karl, and You will be one step closer to going on their trip to NYC. There are a few more scenes with Dr. Clemons and patient zero. I think I will make episode 4 san Zan (without Zan), in order to keep the story moving. Don't worry he will return in later episodes . If you absolutely have to have Zan in episode 4 please leave a comment and I will do my best to accommodate your requests. The crew from episode 4 At this point, I still have overlays pending approval for episode 4 . My goal is to have the written portion complete for episode 4 by the time all the overlays are approved. I hope that I can publish episode four within 2 weeks or sooner. I'll miss you until n...